CPR Training

5 customer reviews

£19.95 + VAT

CPD certified, cpr online course, gym, fitness instructors, pilates, yoga teachers.

Our CPD certified online cpr training programme is a comprehensive and in-depth learning solution for people who would like to know how to perform basic cpr in an emergency situation.

This online cpr basic course covers many subjects and is an ideal learning solution for gym instructors, fitness trainers, yoga teachers, pilates instructors, door supervisors, office staff, doctors, dental & hotel receptionists, or anyone who would like to gain a cpr training certificate.

This workplace online training programme covers many subjects and is completed through your own secure training area.


Workplace cpr training via e-learning, CPD certified level 2 cardio pulmonary resuscitation, ideal for office staff, doctors, dental, hotel receptionists, warehouse & factory workers.

It can be difficult sometimes keeping your cpr/bls training certification current and up to date, due to working commitments. Using our cpr online training solution it is easy to gain and keep an in date cpr certificate for your workplace needs.

This course holds a level 2 certification and our online cpr training programme is an ideal training platform for yoga teachers, pilates instructors, fitness & gym instructors, door supervisors & security guards, or anyone who would like to gain a basic cpr training certificate.

This course is an ideal learning platform to be run along side your existing workplace health & safety policies & procedures.

E-learning cpr course, what’s covered?

  • An introduction to basic life support (BLS)
  • Why basic life support is important?
  • The BLS chain of survival
  • Importance of the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) system
  • DRSABC systematic approach to CPR
  • Check for Danger, Responsiveness & shout for help
  • Open victim’s Airway (head tilt, chin lift)
  • Check if victim is Breathing (look, listen and feel for breathing)
  • If not breathing normally, call the ambulance and start delivering effective chest Compressions
  • Why it is important to approach the victim safely
  • The Resuscitation Council (UK) adult basic life support algorithm
  • How to deliver effective chest compressions
  • How to deliver effective rescue breaths
  • Why it is important to continue CPR & knowing when to stop
  • When and how to position a victim in the recovery position
  • How to deal with an airway obstruction by a foreign body
  • An introduction to automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
  • The Resuscitation Council (UK) automated external defibrillators (AED) algorithm
  • Differences between the Resuscitation Council (UK) adult and paediatric BLS algorithms
  • Organisational and individual responsibilities for CPR
  • Localised delivery of cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • Do not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNAR) orders

On completion of this e-learning cpr training programme you will be required to complete an assessment with a pass mark of 80%. If you do not pass on your first attempt, don’t worry, as you can re-take the test as many times as you need with no extra charge.

Course Certification

On successful completion of this e-learning cpr course, free online cpr certification will be available for you to download and print. Our CPD certificate can be used to provide evidence for compliance and audit (recognised internationally).

All of our e-learning courses and programs are accredited by the CPD Certification Service as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines.

5 reviews for CPR Training

  1. Barry Y

  2. Anonymous

  3. Bobby D

    Suited my needs as a security guard

  4. Gary T

    Yes a good course

  5. Anonymous

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